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News  /  1st August 2023

Living360 launches inaugural summer content series 


Living360 launches inaugural summer content series 

For those of us living in the UK, it’s fair to say this summer has been a bit of a mixed bag, but that hasn’t stopped the team at Living360, APL Media’s online lifestyle brand, from celebrating our not-so-sunny season in style. 

The start of July saw the launch of the website’s inaugural summer content series, bringing a smorgasbord of travel, wellness and culinary inspiration to readers around the world. 

The series kicked off with a rundown of eight amazing suitcases for every kind of trip, from tropical getaways to weekend sojourns, which was swiftly followed by a list of the 20 essential travel items to pack for your trip away. 

Living360 also partnered with luxury hotel Viceroy Bali to take a deep dive into everyone’s favourite bucket-list destination, Ubud, to find out how to plan an unforgettable Indonesian escape

Attention then turned to the UK capital, where the team reviewed some of the best feel-good experiences around London for those unable to get away this summer.  

Meanwhile, Alex Evans — aka the Goose Green Gardener — shared her tips on how to bring small garden spaces to life through hanging foliage, miniature vegetable patches and bee-friendly plants. 

Discover all this and much, much more by heading to Living360.uk 

Image: Orry Verducci / Unsplash