National Geographic Traveller (UK) creates winning campaigns
The National Geographic Traveller team works with many leading brands to deliver creative content solutions. Here’s a sample of the campaigns produced over the past few months.
Oman Ministry of Tourism
The team has been working with Oman Ministry of Tourism on a number of projects, creating various video, print and online partner content pieces — all grouped together on this hub page. A new addition includes this photo story, which captures the country’s ancient traditions.
Tobago Tourism
Tobago’s North-East region has been declared a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere programme, and Newton George was a key member of the committee that made it happen. For this online piece, National Geographic Traveller talked to him about his love for the island.
Italian National Tourist Board (ENIT)
In November, we teamed up with ENIT to host The Great Italian Food Journey event, which features a cooking demonstration and discussion about the country’s cuisine with celebrity chef Aldo Zilli. Speakers also include chef Joe Hurd, a regular guest presenter on BBC One’s Saturday Kitchen, and Joe Fattorini, wine expert on The Wine Show. Head to the National Geographic Traveller Facebook page to watch the event.
As part of the campaign, the team also created a partner content piece, which was featured in the January/February issue of National Geographic Traveller (UK) and on the website.
Online campaign for St Helena Tourism
An online partner content piece created in January features 10 reasons to visit the island of St Helena to celebrate the bicentenary of Napoleon’s death in 2021.
Head here if you’d like to find out more about working with the team.